Owner Personal Occupancy – 4 months notice

Important information for landlords and purchasers ending a tenancy for personal occupancy of the rental unit:

If you want to end a tenancy for landlord or purchaser occupancy of the rental unit on or after July 18, 2024, you must generate the Four Month Notice to End Tenancy – form RTB-32L using the Residential Tenancy Branch’s web portal. For more information, see the notice to end tenancy generation section below.

According to RTA: Section 49 of the Residential Tenancy Act, a landlord can end a tenancy if:

  • The landlord, or a close family member of the landlord, wants to occupy a tenant's rental unit, or

  • The rental unit was sold and the purchaser, or a close family member of the purchaser, wants to occupy the rental unit*

The Residential Tenancy Act defines a “close family member” as the landlord’s spouse, or the parents or children of the landlord or the landlord’s spouse.

After ending the tenancy, the landlord or their close family member, or the purchaser or their close family member, must live in the rental unit for at least 12 months, beginning within a reasonable period after the effective date of the notice to end tenancy.

Landlords are prohibited from ending a tenancy for personal occupancy if the rental unit is located in a building that contains 5 or more rental units and:

  • Is not strata-titled, or

  • Is strata-titled with 5 or more rental units owned by the same owner

Reference: https://www2.gov.bc.ca/gov/content/housing-tenancy/residential-tenancies/ending-a-tenancy/evictions/types-of-evictions

*Effective August 21, 2024, amendments to the Residential Tenancy Regulation will reduce the notice period to three months (previously four months) and the dispute period to 21 days (previously 30 days) when a landlord issues a notice to end tenancy on behalf of a purchaser.

A four-month notice period remains in effect for landlords who intend to personally move into the rental period, or have a close family member move in. Tenants of these properties also still have 30 days to dispute a Notice to End Tenancy.

As one of the prominent Chilliwack Rental Management offices, we are here to help! Need further information about a topic, call Select Real Estate, Property Management Division at 604-793-2200.


New Four Month Notice to End Tenancy


Recent Amendments to BC Tenancy Legislation