New Four Month Notice to End Tenancy
If a landlord wants to end a tenancy for landlord or purchaser occupation of the rental unit on or after July 18, 2024, they must generate a Four Month Notice to End Tenancy for Landlord’s Use of Property – form RTB-32L using the Residential Tenancy Branch’s web portal. Notices that have been generated using the web portal will have a unique Notice ID in the top left corner.
Landlords using the web portal will need to provide their birthdate and the birthdates of related people, like the purchaser and person moving into the rental unit (if applicable). These birthdates are for internal Residential Tenancy Branch use only and will not be on the generated Notice. Be sure to have the birthdates on hand before completing the web portal.
Note: A landlord must generate their Notice to End Tenancy before 9 p.m. when generating the Notice on the last day of the rental cycle and they intend to serve the tenant in person before the next rental cycle begins. For example, say rent is due on the first of the month and the landlord generates the Notice on July 31, 2024, and intends to take possession on December 1, 2024. Notice must be generated before 9 p.m., and the landlord must serve the Notice to the tenant in person on July 31, 2024.
Tenants have 30 days to dispute their eviction and apply for dispute resolution after receiving a four month eviction notice.
Web portal address:,8&TYPE=33554433&REALMOID=06-43f45bcb-a1a4-4e9b-bc1f-639c46ca6cd1&GUID=&SMAUTHREASON=0&METHOD=GET&SMAGENTNAME=$SM$EZRkkzciw5VmhQJdOLZ44AePMDLaiWkXu4zIKIrBeOg0VAKwp0jEBNXBtpRCpOHWs%2b%2fqZ5wnn4XCfJnbZNxbYq31y80Kch0%2f&TARGET=$SM$https%3a%2f%2ftenancydispute%2egov%2ebc%2eca%2fLandlordUse%2fLogin
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